Lag serious sam 2 multiplayer free#
However, as always, feel free to rediscover these classic games the way I have and leave me in the dust by beating my times senseless, or even record some demos on a proper, or "trick-less" route, since I know for a fact there's a demand for runs that don't skip huge portions of the levels. Hey, I really thought this game improved on the original in almost every possible way, although some of those trick rooms got on my nerves (I'm looking at you, mister lv03 bounce room). Overall, I feel that my efforts on this collection surpass those of the original game, partly because I have more experience controlling Sam, a bigger desire to make the runs as smooth as I can, and an apparent bias towards this game over The First Encounter. After finishing TFE and taking a break from recording, I started working on a set of speedruns for The Second Encounter, which brought more insane coop action back to FPS fans and, for people like me who have hardly ever played coop (and now regret), some quality single player target practice, secret-finding, and goofing off whenever possible. SDA note: This run can only be downloaded through the SDA, not the links. Co-Op, Tourist Difficulty Individual Levels with Large-skip glitches:.

Serious Difficulty Individual Levels with Large-skip glitches:.Note: Runs that go out of bounds are considered a separate category, because they skip large parts of a stage (or in some cases, bosses).